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● Kim JG, Kim M, Hong BK, Choe YH, Kim JR, Lee N, You S, Lee SI, Kim WU. Circulatory age-associated B cells: Their distinct transcriptomic characteristics and clinical significance in drug-naive patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Immunol. 2025, 271:110425.

● Hong BK, You S, Kim JG, Kim M, Lee N, Lee K, Baek IP, Ju JH, Kim WU, Kim HY. Upregulation of interferon-γ response genes in monocytes and T cells identified by single-cell transcriptomics in patients with anti-citrullinated peptide antibody-positive early rheumatoid arthritis. Front Immunol. 2025, 15:1439082.

● Kim JG, Koo BS, Lee JH, Yoon BY. Anemia as an indicator of a higher retention rate for tocilizumab versus tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis from a Korean multi-center registry. J Rheum Dis. 2024, 31:212-222.

● Kim JG, Jang S, Lee J, Ju JH, Kim WU, Park SH, Kwok SK. A single-centre retrospective study of factors affecting steroid-free remission of IgG4-related disease conducted in South Korea: a notable outcome after complete resection. Mod Rheumatol. 2024, 34:614-620.

● Kim JG, Kang J, Lee JH, Koo HK. Association of rheumatoid arthritis with bronchial asthma and asthma-related comorbidities: A population-based national surveillance study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023, 10:1006290.

● Oh M, Kim JG, Baek IP, Ju JH. Development of Spondyloarthritis After COVID-19 in HLA-B27-Positive Monozygotic Twins: Case Reports With Single Cell Transcriptome Profiling. J Rheum Dis. 2023, 30:58-64.

● Kim JG, Jung JY, Lee J, Kwok SK, Ju JH, Park SH, Kim WU. Can whole spine magnetic resonance imaging predict radiographic progression and inflammatory activity in axial spondyloarthritis? Joint Bone Spine. 2022, 89:105352.

● Kim JG, Park Y, Lee J, Ju JH, Kim WU, Park SH, Kwok SK. Re-evaluation of the prognostic significance of oropharyngeal dysphagia in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Scand J Rheumatol. 2022, 51:402-10.

● Kim JG, Rim YA, Ju JH. The Role of Transforming Growth Factor Beta in Joint Homeostasis and Cartilage Regeneration. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2022, 28:570-87.

● Kim JG, Han SW, Yi JH, Park HC, Han SY. Development of objective indicators for quantitative analysis of sodium intake: the sodium to potassium ratio of second-void urine is correlated with 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Nutr Res Pract. 2020, 14:25-31.

● Kim JG, Paik WH, Kim JH, Kim JW, Bae WK, Kim NH, Kim KA, Lee JS. Intramural Duodenal Hematoma after Transpancreatic Septotomy during ERCP: A Case Report and Literature Review. Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract. 2016, 21:55-60.


● Kang J, Seo WJ, Kim JG, Moon JY, Kim DK, Kim JW, Jang SH, Kwon JW, Lee BJ, Koo HK. Sex-related disparities in cough-associated symptoms across different age groups. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2024, 18:17534666241252545.

● Kang J, Seo WJ, Kang J, Kim JG, Chung SJ, Kang HK, Lee SS, An TJ, Joo H, Lee H, Kim Y, Jeong I, Park J, Kim SK, Shin JW, Rhee CK, Kim YH, Min KH, Moon JY, Kim DK, Jang SH, Yoo KH, Kim JW, Yoon HK, Koo HK. Sex Differences in Chronic Cough Epidemiology: The Korean Cough Study Group. J Korean Med Sci. 2024, 39:e273.

● Lee S, Choi E, Chae S, Koh JH, Choi Y, Kim JG, Yoo SA, Hwang D, Kim WU. Identification of MYH9 as a key regulator for synoviocyte migration and invasion through secretome profiling. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023, 82:1035-48.

● Park H, Kim JG, Kim WU. A Rare Case of Ankylosing Spondylitis Coexisting with Relapsing Polychondritis, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, and Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Intern Med. 2022, 61:2367-71.