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대구/경북 지방병무청, 부산 지방병무청 병역판정검사과 정형외과 전문의

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중앙대학교 중앙대학교병원 전임의 (고관절)

현, 해운대백병원 조교수 (고관절 / 골절, 외상)


대한 의사협회 정회원

대한 정형외과학회 정회원

대한 골대사학회 정회원 / 산업협력네트워크연구회 간사

대한 고관절학회 정회원 / 홍보위원회 임원

대한 골절학회 정회원

분당서울대학교병원 고관절, 골다공증 클리닉 동문



-2019 Comparison of patient outcomes and satisfaction levels between arthroscopic debridement and conservative treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the hip, The 63th Annual Meeting of The Korean Hip Society, Busan, Korea

-2019 Does Noise Affect the Quality of Life after Delta Ceramic Bearings Total Hip Arthroplasty? (Delta Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty a Minimum of 5 Years Follow-Up), The 63th Annual Meeting of The Korean Hip Society, Busan, Korea

-2019 Comparison of patient outcomes and satisfaction levels between arthroscopic debridement and conservative treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the hip, The 1st Annual Congress of Asia Society of Hip Arthroscopy & Preservation, Shanghai, China

-2019 Outcomes after arthroscopic repair in patients with hypertrophic acetabular labral tears, The 34th Annual Meeting of Korean Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea

-2019 Outcomes after arthroscopic repair in patients with hypertrophic acetabular labral tears, The 34th Annual Meeting of Korean Arthroscopy Society, Seoul, Korea

-2019 Better bone preservation after bipolar hemiarthroplasty with shorter femoral stem in elderly patients with femoral neck fracture, The 7th Annual Meeting of Arthroplasty Society in Asia, Seoul, Korea


-Jae-Young Lim, Boo Seop Kim, Byung-Ho Yoon, et al. Lessons Learned from Long-Term Management of Hip Fracture in Patients with Osteopetrosis: A Report of Nine Hips in Five Patients. J Bone Metab 2019;26(3):201-206.

-Beomseok Lee, Jae-Young Lim, Dong Min Lee, et al. Computed Tomography Staging of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Surg Technol Int 2019;35:417-421.

-Hyun-Soo Ok, Woo-Sung Kim, Yong-Chan Ha, Jae-Young Lim, Chan-Woo Jung, Young-Kyun Lee, Kyung-Hoi Koo. Alarm Services as a Useful Tool for Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Patients with Hip Fractures: A Prospective Observational Multicenter Study. J Bone Metab. 2020;27(1):65-70.

-Jae-Young Lim, Ye-Hoon Jang, Jun-Il Yoo, Young-Kyun Lee, Kyung-Hoi Koo, Yong-Chan Ha. Outcomes After Arthroscopic Repair in Patients With Tears of Hypertrophic Versus Morphologically Normal Acetabular Labra. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2020;48(5):1168?1174.