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월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토

연세대학교 졸업, 의학사 및 의학석사

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세브란스병원 인턴 및 재활의학과 전문의 과정 수료

재활의학 전문의, 스포츠의학 분과 전문의

세브란스병원 재활의학과 연구강사

미국 메이요클리닉 연구교수

현 인제의대 상계백병원 재활의학과 정교수

현 상계백병원 심장재활클리닉 소장


현 대한심장호흡재활의학회 이사장

보건복지부장관 표창장 수상(2019. 2.)

대한임상통증학회 회장 역임

대한신경근골격초음파학회 회장 역임

세계재활의학회 정회원

미국척추중재술학회 정회원

미국심폐재활학회 정회원

유럽심장학회 및 미국심장학회 정회원

대한근전도전기진단학회 정회원

대한뇌신경재활학회 정회원

대한스포츠의학회 정회원


1. 김철, 성지동, 이종화 등. 급성 관상동맥증후군 환자를 위한 심장재활 임상진료지침 2019. 임상연구인프라조성(국민건강임상연구: 과제번호 HC17C0063) 군자출판사. ISBN 979-11-5955-395-0

2. Chung H, Lee H, Kim C, Hong S, Lee J. Patient-Provider Interaction System for Efficient Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise. IEEE Access 2019

3. 김철, 최원순, 지성주, 등. 급성 심근경색 환자에서 심장재활이 재발률, 재입원율, 재시술률 및 사망률에 미치는 영향: 2018 한국보건의료연구원 협력연구 연구결과 보고서

4. Lee SJ, Koh S, Kim BO, Kim B, Kim C. Effect of Type D Personality on Short-Term Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Ann Rehabil Med 2018; 42(5):748-757

5. Choi HE, Kim C, Sohn Y. Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training for High-Risk Cardiac Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2017; 41(4):650-658

6. Lee H, Chung H, Ko H, Jeong C, Noh SE, Kim C, Lee C. Dedicated cardiac rehabilitation wearable sensor and its clinical potential. PLoS One 2017:12(10):1-18

7. Kim C. Overview of cardiac rehabilitation. J Korean Med Assoc 2016 December; 9(12):938-946.

8. Kim C, Choi HE, Lee KH, Kim YJ, Lee SJ. Influence of Low Peak Respiratory Exchange Ratio on Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Ann Rehabil Med 2016;40(6):1114-1123.

9. Kim C, Choi HE, Kim YJ. The Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training on Cardiopulmonary Function in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction. Ann Rehabil Med 2016;40(4):647-656.

10. Kim C, Choi HE, Lim MH. Effect of High Interval Training in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Drug-Eluting Stent. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2015; 94:879~886.

11. Kim C, Jung HJ, Choi HE, Kang SH. Cardiac Rehabilitation After Acute Myocardial Infarction Resuscitated From Cardiac Arrest. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(6):799-804.

12. Kim C, Choi HE, Jung HJ, Lee BJ, Lee KH, Lim YJ. Comparison of the Effects of 1 Hz and 20Hz rTMS on Motor Recovery in Subacute Stroke Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(5): 585-591.

13. Kim C, Choi HE, Lee BJ. Cardiac Rehabilitation of a Patient with an Advanced Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(4):554-558.

14. Kim C, Choi HE, Jung HJ, Kang SH, Kim JH, Byun YS. Impact of Aerobic Exercise Training on Endothelial Function in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(3):388-395.

15. Choi HE, Lee BJ, Kim C. Impact of Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation on De Novo Coronary Lesion in Patients with Drug Eluting Stent. Ann Rehabil Med 2014;38(2):256-262.

16. Kim C, Kim YJ. The Effects of Karvonen Exercise Preion in Acute Coronary Artery Disease Patients Reaching Age-Predicted Maximal Heart Rates with Exercise Stress Test. J. Exp. Biomed. Sci. 2013, 19(3): 254~260.

17. Lee HY, Kim JH, Kim BO, Byun YS, Cho SW, Goh CW, Ahn HS, Rhee KJ, Kim C. Regular exercise training reduces coronary restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 167 (2013) 2617-2622.

18. Kim C, Kim CH, Lee HM, Lim YJ, Kim YJ. Effects of Exercise Type on Hemodynamic Responses and Cardiac Events in ACS Patients. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 26: 609?614, 2014

19. Kim HJ, Oh JK, Kim C, Jee HM, Shin KA, Kim YJ. Effects of six-week cardiac rehabilitation and exercise on adiponectin in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Kardiologia Polska 2013; 71, 9: 924?930

20. Kim C, Choi HE. The Predictive Value of ΣΔST/ΔHR Index for Restenosis after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Ann Rehabil Med, 2012 Aug; 36, 544-550

21. Kim C, Moon CJ, Lim MH. Safety of Monitoring Exercise for Early Hospital based Cardiac Rehabilitation. Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 262-267.

22. Kim C, Choi HE, Kim BO, Lim MH. Impact of Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation on In-stent Restenosis with Different Generations of Drug Eluting Stent. Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 254-261.

23. Kim C, Kim BO, Lim KB, Kim YJ, Park YB. The Effect of Power-walking in Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 133-140.

24. Kim C, Kim DY, Moon CJ. Prognostic Influences of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korean Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2011; 35: 375-380.

25. Kim C, Youn JE, Choi HE. The Effect of a Self-Exercise Program in Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease, Ann Rehabil Med 2011; 35: 381-387

26. Kim C, Kim DY, Lee DW. The Impact of Early Regular Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Myocardial Function after Acute Myocardial Infarction. Ann Rehabil Med 2011; 35: 535-540.

27. Kim C. Cardiovascular Diseases and Sports Medicine. J of Korean Med Assoc. 2011 July 54(7): 674-684.

28. Kim C, Kim CH, Kim YJ. Effects of Beta-Blocker on Cardiorespiratory Fitness Factors and Blood Lipid of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;29(2):105-111

29. Kim C, Lee DW, Park YB. Clinical Characteristics and Rehabilitative Therapeutic Effect on Peripheral Arterial Disease Combined with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2011; 35: 250-258