이명, 난청, 중이염, 급성 안면마비, 어지럼증
월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | |
오전 | ||||||
오후 |
이명, 난청, 중이염, 급성 안면마비, 어지럼증
월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | |
오전 | ||||||
오후 |
고신대학교 의과대학 졸업
순천향대학교 대학원 의학석사(이비인후과학)
순천향대학교 대학원 박사과정(이비인후과학)
순천향대학교 부천병원 수련의
순천향대학교 부천병원 전공의
서울대학교병원 전임의
분당서울대학교병원 전임의
현) 인제대학교 일산백병원 이비인후과 조교수
대한이비인후과학회 정회원
대한이과학회 정회원
대한청각학회 정회원
대한평형의학회 정회원
대한이비인후과학회 생애 귀-청각관리위원회 위원
대한청각학회 대외협력위원회 간사
대한청각학회 체계적인 인공와우 환자 관리위원회 위원
대한이과학회 간행위원회 위원
대한평형의학회 국제위원회 위원
대한이과학회 이명연구회
대한이과학회 내시경 귀수술 연구회
대한이과학회 최우수연제상, 우수연제상
대한소아이비인후과학회 최우수연제상
◆ Lee SJ, Oh H, Shin KH, Park SM, Kim YK, Jung DH, Yang J, Chun Y, Kim MY, Han JH, Kim JA, Tran NT, Kim BJ, Choi BY. Early postoperative benefit in receptive and expressive language development of cochlear implantation under 9 months of age in comparison to those implanted at later ages. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2024 Feb 8. doi: 10.21053/ceo.2024.00011. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38326998.
◆ Lee SJ, Lee S, Han JH, Choi BY, Lee JH, Lee DH, Lee SY, Oh SH. Structural Analysis of Pathogenic TMPRSS3 Variants and their Functional Cochlear Implantation Outcomes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Gene. 2023 Mar 3:147335. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2023.147335.
◆ Lee SJ, Park J, Lee SY, Koo JW, Vanneste S, De Ridder D, Lim S, Song JJ. Triple Network Activation Causes Tinnitus in Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Model-based Volume-Entropy Analysis. Front Neurosci. 2022 Nov 17;16:1028776. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1028776.
◆ Lee SJ, Lee SY, Choi BY, Koo JW, Hong SH, Song JJ. Preoperative Significance of Ipsilateral Manual Neck Compression in Patients With Pulsatile Tinnitus Secondary to Sigmoid Sinus Dehiscences and Diverticula. Front. Neurol., 17 March 2022. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.869244
◆ Lee SJ, Lee SY, Ahn GS, Lee K, Choi BY, Koo JW, Song JJ. Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Glomus Tympanicum Tumors Presenting with Pulsatile Tinnitus. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2348. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112348
◆ Lee SJ, Lee YJ, Kim BG, Lee CK, Lee BD, Lee JD. Tumor Growth and Hearing Changes in the Natural Progress of Vestibular Schwannoma. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2019; 62(12): 699-705. doi: 10.3342/kjorl-hns.2019.00192
◆ Lee SJ, Lee SA, Kim BG, Hong HS, Lee JY, Lee JD. Feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging in the differential diagnosis of isolated acute audiovestibular loss. J Vestib Res. 2018;28(5-6):385?91. doi: 10.3233/VES-190649
◆ Lee SJ, Lee E, Kim BG, Lee JD. A Case of Recurrent Vertigo in Vestibular Schwannoma Treated with Chemical Labyrinthectomy. Research in Vestibular Science 2017;16(4):147-150. doi: 10.21790/rvs.2017.16.4.147
◆ Choo OS, Kim H, Lee SJ, Kim SY, Lee KY, Lee HY, Moon IS, Seo JH, Rah YC, Song JJ, Nam EC, Park SN, Song JJ, Shim HJ. Consensus Statements on the Definition, Classification, and Diagnostic Tests for Tinnitus: A Delphi Study Conducted by the Korean Tinnitus Study Group. J Korean Med Sci. 2024 Jan;39(5):e49. https://doi.org/10.3346/jkms.2024.39.e49
◆ Oh H, Kim Y, Lee SJ, Carandang M, Song JJ, Choi BY. Two Discrete Types of Tip Fold-Over in Cochlear Implantation Using Slim Modiolar Electrodes: Influence of Cochlear Duct Length on Tip Fold-Over. Otol Neurotol. 2023 Sep 20. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000004022
◆ Kim YS, Kim Y, Lee SJ, Han JH, Yi N, Yoo HS, Carandang M, Lee SY, Kim BJ, Choi BY. Efficacy of cochlear implants in children with borderline hearing who have already achieved significant language development with hearing aids. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 1;17(6):e0267898. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267898. PMID: 35648744; PMCID: PMC9159549.
◆ Jang P, Lee SJ, Koo JW, Song JJ. "Cement bridge over troubled incus" technique in subjects with oval window atresia and anomalous incus: A preliminary report. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Mar 4. doi: 10.21053/ceo.2021.01823.
◆ Kim BG, Kim HJ, Lee SJ, Lee E, Lee SA, Lee JD. Outcomes of modified canal wall down mastoidectomy and mastoid obliteration using autologous materials. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Nov;12(4):360-366. doi: 10.21053/ceo.2018.01333. Epub 2019 Feb 1
◆ Lee E, Lee SJ, Kim HJ, Shin JM, Choi JH, Lee JY. Incidence of re-deviated nasal septum after septoplasty in adolescent and adult patients. Acta Otolaryngol. 2018 Oct;138(10):909-912. doi: 10.1080/00016489.2018.1484564. Epub 2018 Jul 17
◆ Jung JH, Kim M, Lee SJ, Lee E, SA Lee, Lee JD, Choi JH, Kim BG. Effect of sleep deprivation on hearing levels in rats. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Sep;112:169-175. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2018.07.003
◆ Lee SA, Lee SJ, Kim BG, Lee JD, Hwang SC. Clinical symptoms and audiovestibular findings of large and giant vestibular schwannoma. J Korean Skull Base Soc 2018;13(1):22-25
◆ Lee SA, Lee SJ, Jung DY, Kim BG, Lee CK, Choi SJ, Lee BD, Hwang K, Lee JD. The Comparison of Short-Term Therapeutic Effects of Acute Low-Tone Sensorineural Hearing Loss according to Steroid Capacity. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2018;61(4):177-81. doi: 10.3342/kjorl-hns.2017.00507
◆ Lee E, Choi JH, Lee B, Jung JH, Seon SW, Lee SJ, Kim HJ, Lee JY. Effect of Positional therapy on Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Meta-Analysis. J Rhinol 2017;24(2):94-103. doi: 10.18787/jr.2017.24.2.94
◆ Seon SW, Jung JH, Lee SK, Lee SA, Lee E, Lee SJ, Lee SH, Lee JY, Choi JH. Changes of Sleep Disordered Breathing and Quality of Life after Adenotonsillectomy in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2017;60(4):174-8. doi: 10.3342/kjorl-hns.2016.17279
◆ Kang KY, Lee SJ, Lee E, Lee JY, Choi JH, Lee JY. Effect of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Mouthwash on Post-Tonsillectomy Pain: Randomized, Controlled Study. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2017;60(10):512-6. doi: 10.3342/kjorl-hns.2017.17650
◆ Lee SK, Jung JH, Lee SJ, Lee JY. Endoscopic Repair of Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea with a Nasoseptal Flap. J Rhinol 2017;24(1):37-41. doi :10.18787/jr.2017.24.1.37
◆ Lee SK, Lee SA, Lee SJ, Lee SW. Endoscopic Resection of a Vocal Cord Polyp in a Patient with Difficult Laryngeal Exposure. J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop 2016; 27(2): 138-140. doi: 10.22469/jkslp.2016.27.2.138